

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin September 13, 2011 @ 12:00 am

Are you one of those people who skip breakfast every morning? Do you struggle to lose weight, be it a significant amount or just a few stubborn pounds? Getting your meals in check can drastically affect your weight. Daily choices such as what to eat for breakfast and snacks add up over time and result in either a thicker middle or a thinner waist. Below are some common things to implement when it comes to eating more healthy.

Eat Breakfast
Skipping breakfast has been lined with increased hunger throughout the day, leading you to munch on those unhealthy snacks or overeat for lunch.You can find a quick rundown here Start each day with a healthy breakfast such as oatmeal, fresh fruit or yogurt and you will be on your way towards dropping those pounds.

Eat Your Veggies and Fruit
When choosing a dinner or lunch, make sure there is at least one, preferably two, servings of fresh fruit and vegetables. These should be the bulk of your meal. Meals high in carbs such as spaghetti or heavy pasta salad with bread sticks are going to add more calories to your day and can lead to weight gain. Instead, choose protein dense foods accompanied by plenty of veggies and fruit.

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